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Our Methodology

Finding your niche audience is not rocket science - it's behavioral science.


Uncover motivations behind decision-making

Find the why behind the why

Gain cultural context behind decision making

Leverage the why behind the why

Identify super advocates and users


Engage opportunities to inform and inspire action

Develop + connect with community

Inform, educate, connect

Inspire new choice

Encourage action

What we do at CommonAlly.

We reimagine campaigns. Build real personal engagement strategies.
Foster authentic community. Uncover impactful demographic insights.

From 1-to-1 personal engagement strategies to gathering essential community and demographic insights, CommonAlly reimagines campaign and outreach strategies to unlock markets, opportunities, and solutions.

Ready to learn more?

Our Process


Set the tone and gather information to comprehend outcomes, current challenges, and audiences.

Then we map out:

  • Geotargets
  • Demo insights
  • Cultural context
  • Voice, tone, and approach
  • Question sets
  • Script
  • Creative approach
  • Campaign strategy

Construct the conversation

Improve survey engagement and enhance data insights with:

  • Personal audience research with custom dialogue
  • Question sets to gather context, data, demographics, and sentiment
  • Branded interface + Personality
  • Personal touchpoints, interactive interface, in-survey video testimonials, and skip logic question branching.

Develop outreach strategy

  • Connect with target audiences
  • One cohesive user experience
  • Enhance engagement
  • Maximize participation rates
  • Rich Data Insights

Deploy + manage campaign

  • Customized landing page
  • In-house customer support
  • Dashboard with campaign metrics
  • Data validation
  • Runs 24/7

Insights + roadmap

  • Glossy, data visualization presentation
  • Strategic Memo
  • Raw Data Set
  • Daily dashboard access
  • Fully licensed Creative Assets
  • Warm leads

Stage 1


Stage 2

Campaign construct

Stage 3

Develop outreach strategy

Stage 4

Deploy + manage campaign

Stage 5

Insights + roadmap

Why We’re Different

Campaigns built to reveal,rather than instruct, coerce, or drive superficial actions.

Values aligned campaigns design for real engagement. Branded creative that speaks with core demographics.

Educate and participatein 1-on-1 dialogues at scale.

Contact information is always 100% consent-based.Get real people, not third-party lists.

Reduce bounce rates.ChatBots have a 2-3X higher conversion rate compared to traditional methods.

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